Corporate Governance Fact Sheets


PT Adaro Andalan Indonesia (“AAI”) always runs its business by applying the Adaro Values of “Integrity, Meritocracy, Openness, Respect and Excellence” and strengthens GCG implementation in order to stay ahead of the increasingly stronger attention to the standards of corporate governance in Indonesia. 

The Code of Conduct sets forth the principles and behaviors that must be upheld in interacting with the stakeholders in a fair and balance manner. This guidelines cover: 

  1. the Adaro Values;
  2. how the company and every individual of the company must comply with the applicable laws and regulations, as well as GCG principles;
  3. how every individual in the company must interact with various stakeholders, including the shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities, creditors, and other employees; 
  4. the communication with the shareholders and investors;
  5. insider trading, anti-corruption and anti-fraud, and transactions with a conflict of interest; and
  6. the company’s information disclosure.


The company has promulgated the Code of Conduct to all Executives in Charge (EIC) of the company’s subsidiaries. After such promulgation, the EIC will continuously disseminate the Code of Conduct to all employees at the Adaro Group.

The Company's official code of ethics guidelines can be found here.



In line with the Adaro Value of “Integrity”, all personnel within the Adaro Group are obliged to prevent the occurrence of insider trading, corruption and fraud. This obligation has been included in AAI’s Code of Conduct and BoC and BoD Charter.

In those documents, it is clearly stated that the BoC, BoD, supporting organs, and all employees at all levels are obligated to avoid and prohibited from buying and/or selling the company’s shares when receiving information, whether directly or indirectly, from the company’s insider(s), being involved in any activity conducted to manipulate the company’s share price, and using the company’s confidential information to gain personal benefits and/or benefits for any other parties.

In addition, AAI has issued a gratification policy that prohibits each employee of the Adaro Group from accepting any gifts or gratuities which is considered an act of bribery.



In the normal course of business, AAI engages in transactions with related parties. The transactions primarily consist of services and other financial transactions.

In dealing with related parties, the company ensures that all transactions are fair and at arm’s length by doing the followings: 

  1. determining the pricing policies of coal sales to related parties based on international benchmarks, adjusted for coal specifications; and
  2. treating our mining services, logistics, and other subsidiaries as third-party service providers and benchmarking the fees for their services (to the extent available) to that of service providers external to the Adaro Group which perform similar activities for the group.



In the cases of mergers, acquisitions, and/or takeovers, which require shareholders’ approval, the BoC and BoD appoint an independent party to evaluate the fairness of the transaction price.



AAI stakeholders, including creditors, are entitled to obtain fair and equal treatments in accordance with its business relationship with the company. AAI has complied with and committed to fulfilling the creditors’ rights according to the terms agreed in the respective contracts, in accordance with AAI’s Code of Conduct.



AAI implements a procurement policy for goods and/or services throughout the Adaro Group, aiming to enhance capability and standardize the procurement process for goods and/or services. One aspect of the procurement policy involves the use of information technology and enhancing the implementation of good corporate governance in the procurement process for goods and/or services. Some of AAI's subsidiaries have adopted an E-Procurement application system to support the procurement process for goods and services. This application ensures transparency and equality throughout the procurement process, from supplier registration, procurement selection processes, and contract management to supplier performance evaluation.



AAI has treated its customers equally and responsibly as stated in its Code of Ethics, which includes prioritizing customer satisfaction, providing accurate information regarding the company's products and/or services, and complying with and respecting all agreed terms, conditions, and regulations.



AAI consistently strives to maintain and enhance its reputation in providing high-quality products and services to its customers. The company is committed to being responsive to the needs and complaints of its customers and handling all complaints promptly. The company also conducts customer satisfaction reviews every two years to ensure that the services and products provided meet customer needs.

AAI's subsidiary, PT Adaro Indonesia, has Standard Operating Procedures for complaint handling mechanisms to accommodate customers who wish to report dissatisfaction with the quality of products to the marketing team. AAI appreciates every complaint from customers and endeavors to develop and maintain a transparent and effective process for handling complaints. All customer complaints will be investigated by the Operations, Marketing, and Logistics teams, which will coordinate with the marketing team to formulate corrective actions for addressing the complaints. The marketing team will communicate the investigation results to the customer and seek the best possible solution.



AAI is still conducting analyses to determine the form of the most appropriate long-term incentives for the BoD and employees.



According to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPST) resolutions, the shareholders approved the appointment of Rintis, Jumadi, Rianto, dan Rekan, a member firm of the PwC global network in Indonesia, as the Public Accounting Office to audit AAI's financial statements for the current fiscal year ending on December 31, 2024.



Information technology has become a crucial part of the growth and smooth operation of companies, especially for companies as large as the Adaro Group. With rapid developments both in scale and business sectors, the integrated business of the Company from mining to power generation has a high level of complexity, demanding standardization and best practices in the application of information technology (IT) to enable simpler, structured, and faster workflows, thus achieving targets more efficiently and effectively through optimal productivity.

This thinking has led the company to integrate an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, consisting of several different systems, into 1Adaro ERP, providing the company with a centralized and standardized ERP. This 1Adaro ERP system is integrated with an Executive Dashboard consisting of Microsoft Axapta 2012 and SAP S/4HANA.

The rapid development of information technology also urges the company to enhance and optimize IT infrastructure and facilities to continually accommodate needs and comply with internal regulations and applicable laws. One aspect prioritized is protection against cybercrimes. Therefore, the Company will continue to monitor, review, and implement the latest security measures to protect the interests and needs of stakeholders, including anticipating potential information system disasters.